Save time. Save cost. Order sustainably.

We enable buyers to source garments, fabrics, components and home textiles faster, smarter, safer, and more sustainable. Join the largest industry network and take the next step towards efficient and successful sourcing with our user-centric order placement system.Get started
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Find a new supplier

  • Access the world’s largest B2B sourcing platform for apparel, fabric, trims, yarns and home textiles sourcing.
  • Save time, effort, and costs by finding new business partners online without traveling.
  • Explore verified company and user profiles with trusted information and directly get in touch.
  • Bookmark and send connection requests to potential business partners and leads.
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Order, pay and track your order

  • Eliminate time-consuming email threads and chats. Find everything you need to order from start to finish.
  • Start an order by specifying quantity, unit price, Incoterms, packaging, and delivery dates.
  • Experience a unique payment management using our integrated escrow service and e-wallets.
  • Release funds per agreed terms with sellers, finalized upon successful delivery. Track the status of order.
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Request and compare quotes

  • Create targeted requests for quotations to find the best partner for your project.
  • Receive various proposals to get your targeted price and quality.
  • Find out what your product would cost with a different supplier or even in another country.
  • Save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on extensive research and negotiations.
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Source sustainably

  • Meet sustainability and ESG requirements by choosing sustainable manufacturers.
  • Ensure compliance by accessing verified certificates on the platform.
  • Monitor the validity of suppliers’ certificates with real-time data updates.
  • Gain knowledge about various compliance certificates and sustainability standards.
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Request Prices While Exploring Products

  • Streamline your purchasing process by effortlessly requesting and receiving pricing information.
  • Explore supplier´s digital showrooms with ease and convenience. Browse through products and request prices.
  • Request accurate pricing by providing specific order details such as total quantity, unit, delivery requirements, expected delivery date, and any additional details.
  • Receive an immediate notification the moment your price request is answered by the supplier.
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